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Sogang Korean

2nd Edition
Developed by the Sogang University Korean Language Institute

Revised based on feedback from the field, the 2nd edition of the popular Sogang Korean series provides a comprehensive approach to Korean communication and contemporary culture. The four language skills--speaking, listening, reading, and writing--are connected by a common learning objective in each lesson, enabling learners to practice, extend, and apply their knowledge and skills.

Each student student set is comprised of a student's book, grammar and vocabulary supplementary book. Visually appealing and easy to navigate, the student's book includes grammar explanations, practice dialogues, and group activities to help students reinforce what they have learned through authentic conversation. The grammar and vocabulary supplementary book allows students to preview and review lessons on their own, and contains additional grammar explanations, new vocabulary, and an index. 

Additional review and practice is provided by accompanying workbooks. Each student book and corresponding workbook covers 75-100 hours of Korean language study.


What's new in the 2nd Edition?

  • Textbooks have been enriched with new color photos, illustrations, and a contemporary design to convey information more effectively
  • A new grammar section has been added in each lesson
  • Each set contains an easy-to-use review guide of grammar and vocabulary
  • Cultural content has been updated and expanded for more thorough coverage of modern Korea
  • New topics reflect current trends in Korean society