Please use the following guidelines when requesting examination and desk copies:
- To assist educators in making informed textbook decisions, Cheng & Tsui is pleased to lend examination copies of most materials featured on our website. Only three exam copies may be requested at a time. For your convenience and to help protect the environment, previews are often available on the product pages. Please review these before requesting a full exam copy.
- You may request exam copies for textbooks that you are considering for course adoption. Examine the textbook for up to 60 days. If you decide not to adopt the textbook, please send it back to us in salable condition. Optionally, you may elect to keep the book and pay for it using the invoice that you will receive with the shipment. To request an exam copy, fax your request on school letterhead to 617-426-3669 or complete the online form.
- Teacher’s manuals, reference books, audio/video materials, software, and titles not published by us or for which we don’t have exclusive distribution rights are not eligible for exam and may not be converted into desk copies.
The most commonly requested titles that we distribute which are not eligible to be taken as desk copies are:
- Chinese Breeze
- Chinese Made Easy
- Genki
- Learn Chinese with Me
- Sogang Korean