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Dekiru! An AP® Japanese Preparation Course

1st Edition
by Hiromi Peterson, Naomi Hirano-Omizo, Junko Ady

Dekiru! An AP® Japanese Preparation Course is your complete guide to reaching a higher level of Japanese proficiency and acing the AP® Japanese Language and Culture exam. Dekiru! is ideal for students who have studied the equivalent of three to four years of high school Japanese using any textbook. It provides targeted practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing through lively activities as well as engaging exercises designed to mirror the format of the questions found on the AP® exam. Alongside comprehensive vocabulary and grammar practice, twenty compelling lessons provide extensive knowledge on Japanese culture to boost your familiarity with and understanding of all of the themes covered on the exam—from food and school life to media, festivals, technology, and more.

AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this product.


Included with Dekiru!:

  • A complete list of the 410 kanji tested on the AP® exam that includes readings, definitions, and examples of compound words
  • Exercises in every lesson that mirror the format of questions on the AP® exam, such as Listening Comprehension, Text Chat, and Compare & Contrast questions
  • Advice for doing well on every part of the exam
  • Accompanying audio
About the Author(s)

Authors Hiromi Peterson, Naomi Hirano-Omizo, and Junko Ady are experienced classroom teachers from the Punahou School in Honolulu, Hawai'i.