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Chinese Breeze

2nd Edition
by Yuehua Liu, Chengzhi Chu et al.

Chinese Breeze is a well-crafted series of entertaining Chinese graded readers designed for college and high school students. The series offers language learners at all levels the opportunity to read for pleasure while simultaneously developing reading comprehension skills, building confidence, and increasing motivation. 

Each text is presented in simplified characters. Pinyin and English definitions of new vocabulary words are provided in the footnotes. Audio recordings of each text can be streamed by scanning the QR code on the back of each book.

  • Eight carefully graded levels increasing from 8,000 to 30,000 characters in length to suit the reading comprehension of first through fourth-year Chinese students.
  • A wide variety of genres including detective, adventures, romance, fantasy, horror, society, and more to suit all interests.
  • Careful selection of the most useful vocabulary for actual communication in modern standard Chinese.
  • Highly recycled base words in various contexts at each level to maximize language development.
  • Mostly original stories providing fresh and exciting material for Chinese language learners.
  • Authentic and engaging language crafted by professional writers teamed with pedagogical experts.
  • Full-color illustrations to reinforce learners' reading comprehension.
About the Author(s)

Yuehua Liu was a distinguished scholar in Chinese linguistics and language pedagogy. She authored numerous articles and books, including the acclaimed Integrated Chinese series.

Chengzhi Chu is an Associate Professor of Chinese in the East Asian Languages and Culture department at University of California Davis. His primary research interests include Chinese linguistics, cognitive semantics, Chinese language pedagogy, and the application of computer technology in language instruction.